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41 - 50 of 1074 Posts
Hello, I am new to this website. Here is a little history: I am 29 and have been trying to conceive for about 14 months. I have done all the fertility test and my I fall under unexplained. I used clomid for about 5 months but no pregnancy. I saw a ...

Hi all. After 3 rounds of Follistim I am moving on to Gonal. I produced 2-3 large follicles (not even counting the smaller ones) on Follistim so I am not sure how Gonal will be better.

Hi ladies! Here's a little background on me: I'm 24 ( well, will be on Thursday!) and have been pregnant 2 times. Once exactly 3 years ago, but m/c'd when i was 8 weeks or so along. We got pregnant a year later with my little girl, but she was stillborn...

Hi. My husband and I have been TTC for over a year now. We have been thru several cycles of Clomid which could only be taken after Provera brought on my cycle. I have had three vaginal US to check my uterine lining and only one has been acceptable. This mo...

I'm in my earlies 40s, single, and have not been exposed to any medication. I always had a regular 28-day cycle. My doctor started a first cycle of IUI for me to get pregnant. She prescribed Follistim. I experienced severe side effects with Follistim (h...

Hi there. So I am changing from Follistim & Menopur to Follistim Lupron and a low dose HCG. What should I expect?

Just got the results from my 1st beta HCG-237 Progestrone-38 I'm going back on Thursday to make sure things are still looking good and then an u/s next week. Lisa

I hope someone here can help me! I started low doses of Follistim (25 IU) on Oct. 26-Oct.30, an ultrasound on Oct. 31 showing no measurable follicles. My estridiol was 39. I then started taking 50 IU that night, 25 IU the next night, 50 IU the next night....

Hi all. So last month I was on Menopur and 300 of Follistim and I had 6 good follies. But IVF was cancelled because they wanted to see if I would produce more eggs with Lupron. This month I am on Lupron, Low Dose HCG, and 450 Follistim. And all my follies ...

My wife is 40. Recently she started doing injections of follistim (225mg). She produced something like 18 follicles all of which seem to be maturing well. Our doc says that this is not a high dosage of follistim. What do you think? We are moving forwa...

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