41 - 50 of 108120 Posts
I have dry eyes that doesn't seem to be getting better.... I'm really starting to worry. I had temporary plugs put in, but I don't seem to see any improvement. Can someone tell me if I can use eye drops with these plugs. I have used artificial eye drops...

I had Viral Pink eye in both eyes at the end of October (3 1/2 months ago). My eyes were bright red and hurt to open and shut. Additionally I was having a hard time opening my eyes in well lit areas (i.e. outside, under bright classroom lights, etc.). A...

Have any of you experienced dry mouth and eyes (Sjordens) with your Lymes disease?

Nov. 2008, I started having dry eyes. Dr. started me on eye drops. Since then my eyes are much worse and I have seen my regular Dr., optomitrist, and opthomologist. So far no one can tell me whats wrong. I have: extreme dry eyes, stringy yuck coming ou...

Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read my post. so ever since I had jundice in 2000/2001 I started to suffer from dry eyes. All I get offered is resthesis, "Azsite", DHA (fish oil), upper plugs, lower plugs, + otc drops and I also suffer from severe dry ...

What is the natural means to fix dry eyes problem?

Hi, I am in search of new contact lenses. I have severe dry eyes and don't know what to get. I used to have Acuvue 2 and felt they were too dry, so I my doctor recommended that I switch to Acuvue Oaysis. These were much worse. The lense felt like it w...

Seeing an eye doctor. Had laser surgery for catoracs. Since then have had severe dry eye. Its been months. Was tested for dry eyes and told I produce NO tears. Been on lots of drops. They do NOT work. Eyes are soooo tired and painful. What else can I do?

Someone please tell me this syndrome will not last forever. It has been over ten months now. Thank you

Do you get eye pain with dry eye syndrome and can it hurt if you press on your eye x

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