61 - 70 of 15482 Posts
My DH amd I have been together for 12 yrs, we have a three y/o daughter. My DH has recently started asking permission to go to a "titty bar" not only that but he keeps asking to have "relations" with a friend of ours. He is mad that I say NO. any other sug...

For those of you that know me. My neice has Microcephaly and numerous other disorders. Well this passed Sunday they did a test at the hospital because she also has Sleep Apnea. Well they hooked her up to a C-Pap machine for 6 hours. During that 6 hours she...

As of right now DH is scheduled to deploy in October, and if we get lucky they will let him stay back and go with another group in January so he can be here for the birth of baby number two...I'm so not excited about this...a two and a half year old AND a ...

Hi. Dh was planning to go with me to my HSG on Wed., but I told him it would be okay if he didn't. Now I'm wondering if I should change my mind ;-) Any of you who had cramping/discomfort as a result of your HSG, would you recommend going with someone or...

I'm very excited! My insurance just kicked in and will now cover IUI and IVF should we need it. AF is due somewhere around Sun or Mon. I call my RE on the first day of full flow and then go in for bloodwork and ultrasound. Then I'll restart Clomid start i...

So I went and tested, even though DH insisted last night that I wait until the day after AF was due to test..... And I'm PREGNANT !!!!! I got my BFP !!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not due until the end of August. I am thinking of sending DH to the hospital's Daddy Boot Camp program. Has anyone's DH done this?? What was your opinion? Thought some of you ladies who are about ready to pop might have done this already.

Hi Everyone, On our 7th month of ttc, we decide to take "fertility blend for men" to increase his counts. Today is our 1st day of trying this vitamin. DH have to take for 2-3 months then we need to have his analysis. I am asking Does anyone used this produ...

This has been on my mind for a while now, my due date falls right in the middle of fishing season, and DH and I dont have our own car we have to relay on our cusin for rides every where we go, and both DH and our cusin Love to fish its DH's only hobby. We ...

What does CD and DPO stand for?

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