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1 - 10 of 87765 Posts
I got tested after 3 month after exposure the result from elisa come back negatives. is it conclusive? since 1 month after exposure I took acyclovir for herpes... can acyclovir interfere with the test result from elisa??

Hi. I’ve been diagnosed many years with HSV1, but never had an outbreak until a week ago. Also, my doctor thinks I got it when I was kid. I’m currently taking acyclovir 800mg five times a day, as prescribed by my doctor. After a day or two of taking i...

i started taking acyclovir a few days ago for the first time for a mild cold sore breakout. 2 days after i started, the cold sores got more intense, and 2 new huge cold sores came up out of nowhere. i have 3 more days left of the medication, and i'm goin...

I was diagnosed about three weeks ago with oral herpes. Initially I was perscribed nothing as they didn't think it was a bad case. Then, after suffering a severe outbreak my doctor perscribed me acyclovir, twice a day. Two weeks in to the acyclovir, I am s...

Had unprotected oral sex 31 days ago. On Day 2 (night), noticed a pink rash, like a mild sunburn (no pain) on left side of glans. Next day it was gone but there followed intense tingling at tip of glans (inside urethra? hard to tell) and a desire to ur...

Hello doc, I have tested blood. Herpes Type I(IgM)-Negative Herpes Type I(IgG)-Positive Herpes Type II(IgM)-Negative Herpes Type II(IgG)-Negative. What should I do???? Is it so so dangerous??? Can I get marry?

I got zovirax ointment for cold sore but reading i found out ointment is for genital herpes does it really matter ?

I just had my first outbreak of oral herpes. Luckily my symptoms were mild -- small cold sores on inside of lips, some reddish spots on outside of lips. No one really noticed. Does this mean it is LIKELY that future outbreaks will be as mild? In other ...

hello-i am a 28 year old female with hx of hsv-1 with frequent breakouts...just this year i've had 6 cold sores. I take oral valtrex if i feel the prodrome and this really helps shorten the duration. Recently, i became sexually involved with male partner, ...

I have HSV-2 and I was wondering if a guy performed oral sex on me how likely it is for him to get the Herpes Virus. I take Acyclovir every day to prevent outbreaks. Thanks.

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