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Search Results for "Niravam"

1 - 10 of 14 Results
Does anyone know what this medicne is and is it used alot and what does it do for anxiety and is it safe/

I have been takig klnopin and xanax on and off for years. I was previously on 1mg klonopin, and then my dose was increased to 2mg/day plus upto 1 mg more if needed. As this was not helping for breakthrough anxeity and social/panic disorder i was prescribe...

I have been on xanax off and on for about 18 years till anout a year ago.I a few months ago was put on it again but wantred of so dr taperred me down im down to about 1 mg a day and i also take klonopin tapering off it going thru awful time now since my a...

I was tapering off xanax using klonopin and i feel worst,,,,,,,tried the niravam made no diference.just made me drowssy and dizzier.i am so anxious,,,,,,,,,,cant reach my pharmaisist said go back on the reg xanx like i was on when the dr started tape...

Can anyone tell me what the difference between Xanax and Niravam, my doc put me on Niravam telling me that it stays in my system longer and is no addictive. Everything I have seen states they are exactly the same other than brand name. I know Xanax is chea...

Is alprazolam and Xanax the same kind of medicine?

I have been using alprozam for about a year now, but I wasn't prescribed a daily dosage- my doc told me to take it when I needed it for panic attacks. In the last half year that has usually been anywhere from 1-4 times a week and about .5 mg to 1 mg max du...

You may be aware that an extensive drug database is now online at Medhelp. You get to it simply by typing the name of the drug in the search box. Among the results, you'll see articles and information about the drug. Medhelp, however, thinks that might ...

I just found out that ultram combined with anti D's can cause all sorts of problems, seizures being one of them. Fibromyalgia diagnosis this week and my doc gave me a script for 100 with a refill. Pharmacy would not fill it because I am on zoloft. A goo...

So as some of you may read, I started taking 50 mg of Zoloft on July 22nd... I felt worse before I felt better but I did indeed start to feel better... Now, about 2-3 weeks later I am back to feeling so-so. Not as good as I was a couple of weeks ago. I kno...

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