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Search Results for "Tirosint"

1 - 10 of 612 Results
I had blood work and the TSH was 3.0 the free T3 was 2.38 so said they would try snthroid .025 after two weeks got really badk pain in all my muslces, hip and back pain, it went away after stopping the meds, but results still off adn I have always had norm...

I read various posts around the internet that some people who switched from one of the synthetics to tirosint had a hard time, and some seemed to attribute it to tirosint being stronger. Can you speak to that at all? Thanks, D

Hello All, For those of you who have made the switch from Synthroid/Cytomel combo to Tirosint: I was on originally on 50mcg of Synthroid (not feeling well at all) so added 5mcg Cytomel (feel better with a little T3) but not great (think it is the bi...

Tironsint Levothyroixine Sodium Capsules- no dye or fillers Anybody using this med? When did it come out - ? Dr Lupo's Health Chat 7/28/10:

Hi, I have been on Tirosint 88 which will be increased to Tirosint 100. I have two months worth of Tirosint 88 at home which I can toss or take an extra of one day a week to bring my dose to 705 a week. Just 5 above what it would be at 100 daily. Is ...

I have been on Armour thyroiod for 8 or 9 years - diagnosed 10 years ago with Hashi's. I started on Synthroid - horrible. It took a year to find a holistic dr. who would let me try Armour and I never looked back. My t3 isn't good though, my body is not ...

Doctor switched me to 25mg Tirosint 1 week ago after being on 'NP Thyroid' 30mg. After 3 days experiencing non-stop headaches, among other side effects. Do these headaches go away with time, or do you need dosage adjustment to make them stop? Wonderi...

For those of you who have used Tirosent.....what was your experience and how did it make you feel? Also, if you were on synthroid and then Tirosent.....were there differences you noted? Thinking about trying it and did not do weel with Synthroid last tim...

Whats the differance between Tirosint and Synthroid????

Some of you are aware that back in May there was a new thyroid medicine that came out. This is a T4 med, supposedly, similar to Synthroid or generic levothyroxine....... or other brands of synthetic T4. We know that most doctors prefer the "standard"...

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