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Posts on Ivabradine

After a catheter ablation procedure in October 2011, to cure AF, I have been left with a hi...
compare flecainide to ivabradine for sinus tach
Iv had pots (diagnosed) now for around 18months, had many different tests to find an underl...
I have what seems like a "mild" version of Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (or a mild dysau...
anyone ever tried ivabradine for tachycardia? i heard it only affected HR. i have tachycard...
I have read a fue time that pain might effect the heart but I have not found much about why...
After to being here a while now I have been shocked to read that in seems like so many peop...
Is anyone dealing with this condition. The cardyoligist has put me on Ivabradine to help me...
Occasionally I have to stop what I'm doing and stand there focusing on why i feel the way I...
I have some form of tachycardia in both my right and left atria. My cardiologists have nev...
Hello everybody I am male ,30 years old..married with a good sex life. My resting pulse i...