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Healthy Eating

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Journals about Healthy Eating

10159958 tn?1408205343

by Carolzxxx, Dec 16, 2015
How I am feeling: PUMPED!!! First day of my new healthy eating plan! This has definitely...
10947 tn?1281404252
Lately, the Mediterranean diet — which incorporates heart-healthy foods typically used in M...
3864911 tn?1352797585
My little bambino has been putting pressure on my bladder lately and i can't stop runni...
1794638 tn?1345155061

by Livinontheedge, Nov 13, 2011 - 8 Comments
Yeah ! is all I have to say from the week from hell. Headaches that would not go away . ...
10947 tn?1281404252

by Med Help, Jun 20, 2011 - 1 Comment
Summer solstice is tomorrow, and that one long day marks the “official” start of summer for...
10947 tn?1281404252
Father’s day this year falls on June 19 – that’s only a few days away! Do you know what to ...
1230422 tn?1301923560

by tazzer3800, Apr 04, 2011
So I really have to get my diet under control if I want to avoid diabetes meds. So I'v...
1351808 tn?1276900427

by Shantanu Nundy, MDBlank, Feb 22, 2011 - 9 Comments
The science of nutrition is changing and not in the way you might expect. After years of “r...
1351808 tn?1276900427
In case you missed it, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 was published this month.(1) ...
1050938 tn?1311553578
It's amazing what the effects of over 18 years of quack studies, fad diets, and the com...