
continuous bleeding

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on continuous bleeding (80989)
Hi all, I'm new to here. Glad I found this forum but I don't find similar cases like me. Ba...
hi.i had my first day of my last period by 14 feb 2010. i had spotting on 22 mar(34 days). ...
I know that this belongs in the birth control forum, but nobody seems to read that, so here...
I have been looking on the internet forever but know ones story seems to match mine and I w...
Last month, I got my period as normal. Two days after it stopped, I had sex with my partner...
I'm a 37 year old. I've never taken birth control until this past April. I took it once, an...
dear doc, I am 20 yrs old. i weigh 60kgs. i have irregular period problems. i used to get ...
Journals about continuous bleeding(1)
3551805 tn?1348611788

by Ria2013, Jul 01, 2012
beginning of my continuous period