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anal intraepithelial lesions

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on anal intraepithelial lesions

Hi, i have 2 abnormal pap tests in a row (low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion- LGS...
1 month ago I noticed a small flat white spot on the head of my penis about 3-4 mm in diame...
I had a colonoscopy and a following tansanal excision surgery to remove an anal mass, just ...
Doctor Hook, Last week, I had a hemorroidectomy for stage 4 hemorroids. The hospital se...
My biopsy results from a colonoscopy are back : AIN1, mild dysplasia in distal rectum exten...
Good afternoon Just to follow up on my last simptoms anal internal itching that is mild...
Hey everyone. I am hoping Dr. HHH or Dr. Hook see this as I am pretty sure they're the ...
I was going through old papers, while cleaning a few months back, and came across some old ...
my pathology reads as follows breast left modified mastectomy infiltrating and intraepithel...
I need help understanding my biosy result INTERPRETATION AND DIAGNOSIS: (lxv) 04/22/...