
CCSVI research

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Posts on CCSVI research

A recent Italian study was unable to reproduce Zamboni's results and have declare CCSVI a d...
http: //www. news-medical .net/news/20100802/Research-shows-no-link-among-CCSVI-and-develop...
One of the first clinics in North America devoted to testing for a vascular condition that ...
Letter from the Director Dr. Robert Zivadinov, MD, PhD Director, Buffalo Neuroimagin...
just wondering why i dont see anyone talking about ccsvi...i live in barrie,ontario,canada ...
The recorded webcast is now up at
I was wondering when the CCSVI story broke out, if you went to your Neurologist and asked t...
I just thought maybe I would summarize what I know about the current and upcoming trials re...
Another take on this issue. Interesting observation at the end of the article re: the Buff...