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Amiodarone Induced Hypothyroid

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Amiodarone Induced Hypothyroid (41582)
I have been clinically hypothyroid for 25 years. A year ago in March 09, I was given Amioda...
my TSH was 38 after a year on amiodarone without tests.A second cardio brought this down to...
Greetings, My background: Routine thyroid blood test by cardiologist regarding Cresto...
Hi all, I just posted a question on leg swelling, but now I have another question. :) ...
I've been one year and four months on amiodarne for heart arrythmias. Fatigue and unwanted ...
amiodarone alternatives by butwhat, 48 minutes ago I was told bt a cardiologist that ther...
has anyone used amodarone? I was prescribed this drug that has many potential strong side e...
Had an electric cardioinvertion done day before yesterday and was taken off propafenone and...
I have a 5 years old son who was admitted to the ICU when he was 2 yrs old, with generalize...
50 yr old female that had a complete hysterectomy with bladder suspension all done robotica...