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Combined Glaucoma

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Combined Glaucoma

Is an optometrist not qualified to detect glaucoma accurately? I am scheduling my appointm...
My father was diagnosed with glaucoma roughly 5-6 years ago. The glaucoma was quite rapid, ...
hello dr., thank you for spend time helping people with questions. i have a question, 1....
Was just looking at the search function for pilocarpine drops. I note that they are used (...
My occular pressure, if thats what it's called in sitting at 27/28. My eye Dr wants to do ...
I read 1 in 5, but I don't believe it. I think it's more like realistically speaking low 8...
Dear doctor: I just got back from my opthalmologist today to do my last test to detect f...
my dad has a glaucoma and he is 59 years old his doctor prescribed him many eye drops but...
When some one has become a diabetic how long does it normally take for a person to acquire ...
My husband was diagnosed with glaucoma - don't know which 'type'...he's of tonite h...