
hypermetabolic foci

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on hypermetabolic foci

Background: I (53 yo female) had RAI ablation 15 years ago when multiple nodules were found...
I just received the following information from my mother. She was treated for breast cance...
Petscan results-what’s usually the next step? Scan shows hypermetabolic mediastinal aden...
I just had a PET Scan done and it shows that I have a hypermetabolic lymph node with an SUV...
I am a 41 year old stage 1 breast cancer survivor and just had my first pet/ct. The final ...
I am currently living in Quebec (and the healthcare system here is quite, how do I say this...
BACKGROUND: Sept. 2005 Dx Stage IIIC OVCA. Opt. debulked. 1st chemo: Clinical Trial...Car...
About 9 moths ago I had a CT scan of my lung which showed a 1cm cavitory lesion with irregu...
I am 47 years old and underwent a CT scan of my abdomen for some stomach issues. A 1.4 cm n...
My mom's PET/CT scan pathology is below. I know she has cancer but I'm trying to figure out...
I had a PET/CT scan done this week please help me understand what the findings mean. Findi...