
twisted carotid artery

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on twisted carotid artery (11053)
I am a 36 year old female that just found out that i have a twisted carotid artery. My ques...
Can you tell me the symptoms of twisted arteries in the neck area. I believe I have this p...
what does Carotid US findings mean: R-us demonstrates irregular echogenic plaque formation...
had this done for a baseline i guess but not sure what the results mean. dr said all good...
doupler test shows Left eccentric calcific plaque seen in carotid bulb extending to proxima...
When the carotid is blocked, the coronary arteries usually are too. Can you tell from the ...
I just had a carotid artery ultrasound due to some wierd unexplained neck pain/head rushes....
I am 68 years old. Recently I had a CV VAS CAROTID BILATERAL test How concern should I be...
I am from India, right side Internal Carotid artery of my father aged 66 years is found to ...
the right side of my neck hurts where my carotid artery is and i've had headaches for about...