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Posts on tcm

Why do you all believe that traditional western medicine ( pegalated interferon and ribivir...
I was diognised with PCOS 10yrs ago and ttc in the last 2 yrs. Tried 2 cycles of Gonal-f an...
What if any is the difference between rheumatoid artritis and serio negative arthritis.
All am 33. Looking badly for some success stories or info on DHEA and accupuncture after...
I have not had a menstrual cycle for 15 months. I thought I was done. I had my yearly pap a...
I am wondering about acupunture for fertility. I am 41 with a FSH of 15 (10 or under is goo...
I'm confused...when I lay down I'm not wheezing as soon as I sit up I can't breathe and my ...
How long does it take to conceive with TCM and acupuncture at age 37?
An interesting read...
I am 50 now but started getting symtoms of aching legs when i turned 46. The symptoms would...