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Posts on triggers

Did anyone who sucessfully quit have to give up your coffee because it made you want that c...
Hi all, I'd like to know what type of triggers people have before a flare-up or exacerba...
I went to my RE today and my biggest follie is only 16 so my RE told me to take another dos...
Hi All, I have PCOS and I am about to do IUI #2. I always thought the follies should be ...
I have had Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia for almost four years. I also have Anesthesia Dol...
I am aware of my triggers for depression, however, I still do not recognize my triggers for...
Good morning ladies ;) OK hers my QUEStioN!!!! I'm SUPPOSED to trigger today, but my med ...
My son is 17 and was completely "stable" for 4 years ( A/B student, pres. of class, happy, ...
3 months ago I had trigger finger surgery and have had problems ever since. My doctor too...
Emotional eating is one that affects many of us. Does it affect you? Would love to he...