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myoclonus and L1 lesion

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on myoclonus and L1 lesion (1176659)
hello, my daughter is 13 she was admitted in the hospital last Nov because her right leg wa...
I have a 13 yr old daughter that developed a serious leg jerk in july of 2009, they admitte...
Please Advice. I'm a 23 yrs old girl after i get to know my MRI result I'm so lost and sc...
i had a heart cath and the fidings was LMCA Generic 50% lesion (L1) diagnosis says right...
Hospital posted my results, but pain clinic didn't follow through and now I have to wait a ...
Hello all, I can't express enough how much this forum has helped me. I have learned so m...
Mri lumbar post fax right hip oct 2017 with orifices. Cont to have pain right pelvis ...
The only way to describe this pain is, it feels like a tooth ache pain in my left hip, and ...
While I was filing old paperwork I found a report of the only evoked potentials test I had ...
Findings: Sacralisation of l5 vertebra. Fused with L5 and S1, L4-5 diffuse disc bulge...