
surgeon recommendations

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Posts on surgeon recommendations (37875)
Has anybody had any experience with any NS's in North Carolina other than Dr. Rosner? I wo...
My sister has vision in only one eye and now needs cataract surgery. How can we find the b...
I have two good candidates to select from for a cataract surgeon. They both have websites...
Those who need chiari surgery who are from Los Angeles, who did you go for your chiari sur...
I am planning on having cataract surgery and would appreciate advice/opinions on the choice...
I hope this is the right category to post this to get the best answer as I looked in the as...
I have had crystalens implants in the past 6 weeks. I am most unhappy, in a lot of pain and...
Whom would you recommend for a second surgery in Chicago? After the first cataract I develo...
How does one select the right surgeon? I have seen examples of patient friendly doctors ...
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with DCIS, and have since spoken to DCIS survivors who have h...