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summer months

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on summer months

My first son is due in April. I want to take him in our pool like July-ish. When have you g...
If you have just started treatment than perhaps you haven't realized yet... The sun is o...
I feel like my pregnancy is going so slow! I just want to hold my baby <3
hello, my daughter will be four months when we go on vacation to Lake Havsu's ...
Another rediculous question but.... I'm from nebraska. And my older sister has a baby born ...
I'm a lady that loves the seasons. Each one has something special about it that I love. S...
Today I kept thinking I'd hit the 7 month mark--but it's really 8 months! I know time is fl...
Not that I'm counting! Just a check in to say I'm still here and hanging in. Been a few bum...
Things are going well- no cravings still, life busy. And here comes summer with all 3 kids ...
How many weeks is 9 months? Because I'll be officially 35 tomorrow!! I'm thinking 36 cause ...