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sperm count

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on sperm count

my husband sperm count has come out to be nil.His FSH is 17.He is 31 years old and otherwis...
Dear Sir, I Praveen from Cochin, My sperm count was very low and I consult an urologist an...
I had my sperm count test 5 times as i had IUI 5 times . every time my sperm count was abo...
my sperm count is 50 Million . is it normal for conceive? if not then what should i do to i...
hello there i been diagnosed with "Oligonecrotozoospermia" while the doctor dint tell me an...
Hi ladies, I just want to know if anyone tried any kind of "at home sperm count test" for y...
Hi Is there anything that can be done to increase sperm count. We have one child but the ...
Hi last 5 months i am trying for baby my count is 51million/ml before 2 months. now report ...
hello, have any of you had your husband's SA come back near 89o million (with normal motili...
Had the results of my partners speerm test today. Its 7 million and with a high level of ab...