
over active thyroid

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on over active thyroid

I am currently taking PTU to help with my Graves' Disease but was wondering if anyone had a...
i have sever anxiety and had a blood test few years bak and it ced my thyroid was borderlin...
Does anyone here know about hyperthyroidism? I see a lot of posts for hypo but I think mine...
Any1 get really bloated with an over active thyroid .....and know anythn that could help , ...
Am 29 unmarried female .. Today itself am tested thyroid .. T3 level 0.05 and t4 level 7.77...
Ok this is just going to be a wall of text but I really don't know who else to ask. Abou...
Hi I just found out I am a month pregnant, but I found out I had an over active thyroid a c...
In the 1970 I drank radio active iodine for my thyroid and since then I have been fine with...
Hi Can anyone tell me please if a person is taking Thyroxine (87.5mg) can they safely ta...
My doctor recently took me off methimazole (thyroid suppressant) and I have been eating far...
Our daughter recently passed away for no obvious reason. She passed out and never regained...