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Posts on weight-training

I'm on a health journey of eating better and reducing my weight. I want to incorporate wei...
Hi everyone, I have been working out for many years at the gym, usually on an off periods....
I'm a 15 years old girl my height is 155 cm and my weight is between 40 kg and 39 kg is tha...
run fast or run far?
I just got into weight training but I dint know how to eat right. Can someone please guide...
Hi everyone, im a bit new to this. Ive been on antidepressants for 2 and a half years, and ...
I used to weigh 375lbs, I've been doing nothing but cardio (I've lost 175lbs), recently I s...
I’m f22 y/o, currently weighing 92kilos. I want to come down to 75-65kilos. I’m extremely w...
I have started a complete lifestyle changing initiative. I am currently 1 1/2 months into m...
Hey jam 15 years old and I weigh 52.7 kg how can I gain weight. And muscle faster