
gameing lol dorky but fun

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Posts on gameing lol dorky but fun

For the past few weeks I have seen lots of you ladies reveal gender of your babies along wi...
So I'm definitely naming my daughter Natalie, after my mom. However, we're having a tough t...
Todays yet another friday YAY! Fun fact question: Since its october whats everyone d...
Where Is everyone from ??
Jumping rope. I started doing this a while ago. Gets my heart rate up faster than any o...
Can any one tell me if they have had a husband or a family member addiction to online games...
Does the size of your belly during pregnancy detrimine the size of your baby when baby is b...
Okay so this may be tmi or weird but my hubby and I were taking a shower and he bends over ...
Please give me your opinions..
So has anyone decided if they are going to dress up on halloween..i cant wait just so i can...