
narcotic withdrawal

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on narcotic withdrawal (31866)
I went off of my Narcotic Rx on January 9th, 2011. I went through 21 days of the acute wit...
Someone please take the time to read this long *** post that I am about to write, I have ne...
I have been prescribed Panlor SS tablets for the last 3 years. I get 120 a month, which I d...
I want to read what others in my situation have experienced and what they're doing about dr...
Please anyone out there have any info on this condition I am frightened
Hello everyone I am new to this but I was reading a lot of different things people put on t...
What is a good resource to explore alternative pain management methods to narcotics? I a...
does clonidine in combination with ultram, help the severe withdrawal from opana?
Does anyone know if it's possible to feel withdrawal from Acetaminophen? I have always bee...
Who else out there has or is using Fentanyl narcotic patches? My withdrawals have been horr...
Journals about narcotic withdrawal(2)
401095 tn?1351391770

by worried878, Sep 24, 2011
I kicked hydros a few years back and proud of it. Unfortunately, I started smoking ag...
584512 tn?1301271985

by joangy, Aug 10, 2008 - 1 Comment
Well, I hope today is better than yesterday! It is currently 6 am and I am unable to s...