
cuboid bone fracture

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on cuboid bone fracture (31306)
A week ago I fractured my cuboid bone in my right foot and tore some ligaments. I am weari...
I broke the base of my 5th metatarsal in a transverse fracture, 4mm displaced, running clos...
what causes the cuboid in the foot to have severe pain and feel like a rock It feels like...
I fractured my cuboid bone over 5 months ago from an injury sustained when I jumped from my...
About a year ago I had intense pain in my left foot. After seeing a podiatrist and having a...
Hello, I have been reading the various emails submitted by folks with cuboid stess fract...
hello doc, i got a fracture of cuboid bone on 28 July. I went to the hospital and they appl...
I really need some insight to this: Your story could be mine. I fractured my cuboid on Ma...
I walked on my right foot in pain for a while. When I finally went to the dr I was first to...
Hi, I broke my 5th Metatarsal and I am being treated by a podiatrist. My podiatrist thinks ...