will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on extr

Since 5th grade (I am in 11th grade now) I have had a very powerful imagination but the pro...
Baby 2jump suits 2pairs of socks 2pairs of mitten s Baby lotion Myself Pink pj...
Now that summer is here... i never had problems with mosquitoes before i was pregnant... bu...
doe anyone know benefit over risk of assisted hatching in an IVF procedure? what about sing...
hi sir, After 6 months 21 days HIV test result came negative. but my doubt is i hav...
Hi folks, i'm new here and right now i'm really realy frustrated. I have bilateral sciatic...
My daughter is 12 and is Type 1. She has been sick with a sinus infection that we are now ...
I have run out of options, I am a 35 Year old female, with a cronic pain on the left hand s...
Dr Keyes, its me again. Still here but have more info- syphillis has been r/o. TG! Kidney b...
I am a white female, 39 years old, over-weight - obese, about 1yr ago was losing the wt, v...
Hi my name is Mandy and i have been on Morphine for around 4/5 yrs and the drs have spoke a...