
stroke risk

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on stroke risk (162971)
If someone with AF is being properly treated from a blood thinning perspective, what is the...
I had a stroke in April of last year. I lost my eye sight and it is no longer looking as if...
Ok, someone mentioned to me that they heard pvcs can increase your chances of stroke, so I ...
I have persistent afib. i have good rate control with bisoprolol, also on warfarin. Left at...
Female-44years old. My MRI images of the brain reveal a few small focal signal abnormalitie...
Here's some good news for java junkies and tea lovers alike: Two new studies suggest that b...
Stroke - Stroke Community
- Apr 06, 2012
I had stroke at the age of 26. Do you know anyone that's happen to? My neurologist a Said ...
is there any danger of forming in the atria for people who have daily but intermittent a fi...
Sorry for my english. I am 52 years old. 3 years ago started a Atrial Fibrilation and I us...
Hi My MRI came back with Hypoplastic right A1 segment. What is that? Is it life threaten...