
Afraid to ask

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Afraid to ask

Hello, my name is Carol, I am a staff nurse. I am 24, and when i was 20 i noticed a lump on...
I am so happy to find this forum of people just like me.My story like everybody elses,excep...
I have in the past lost weight...after giving birth 4 times. I have gained about 100 pounds...
I am 20 weeks and we haven't told my parents or his parents yet about the baby im more nerv...
All of a sudden one of my 6 year old twin boys can't go to sleep because he's to afraid som...
A few days ago, I took the bus back home found on the arm has a pinhole, I am very afraid s...
Hello all I am new to all of this but i've been trying to kick the pill habit. From perc 10...
After an exposure that happen as this i had protected vaginal sex with a lady a just meet, ...
i need help.i start to inject subotex at thursday I USED 16 mg from thursday until now in s...
recently i feel so scared of a sudden i always think of it every night..even when...