
psychiatric problems

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on psychiatric problems

I know that Graves Disease can have symptoms that mimic psychiatric disorders (anxiety, psy...
I have been on Prozac since 1994. I don't think I needed it when I went on it but it was p...
I was diagnosed as hyperthyroid and with medications I am now clinically euthyroid. But I u...
My husband suffers with anxiety and occasional self-harm & hypochondria. His GP, at the req...
I was diagnosed as hyperthyroid and with medications I am now clinically euthyroid. But I u...
My mother had a massive stroke (haemorage) about 2.5 years ago which left her right side pa...
HI, Im trying to figure out if i have pulmonary arterial hypertension, or a lung disease, o...
I wake up every two hours every night. What can I do in order to get a good night sleep?
I was given 4 types of drugs YEARS AGO in 2007 Olanzapine,Risperidone,Depixol,Trihexyphenid...
I have been hypothyroid for 10 years with a small goiter and also have sleep apnea. Recent...