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Posts on talks

Hope someone can help me here. Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 2 years now...
I don't think my 6 yr old Daughter, has ADHD, but I think she just may be Hyper, She has be...
i'm certain the government in uk are paying to "not" daignose adhd as they are belived to t...
Wow! MSAA is being very active out in the field and are sponsoring a slew of talks all over...
I am going to two different talks this week - sponsored by the pharmas and involving neurol...
the legality of all this drug use. I've been 'in and out' of this addiction now for quite ...
How do I stop my child from talking in class and/or using inappropriate (non-respectful) "t...
Why does my cat talk all the time - we give it so much attention i am not sure why he does ...
How many of you ladies talk to your little one?
Frustration. Everyone is so worried that people will think they are a bad mom if they adm...
We need something fun on this forum!! I thought it would be interesting to see how many of...