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gastrointestinal stromal tumor

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on gastrointestinal stromal tumor

I have had recent surgery to remove a malignant phyllode tumor and again to acheive clear m...
I am 42 with a family history (sister) of breast cancer. a mamogram identified a suspious m...
Four years ago I had a breast bx in my right breast that revealved atypical lobular and duc...
I have a questions regards to having a mass on my liver. I am HCV Positive stage4 grade3 ge...
Dear Doctors, I need your advice for my daughter case which we just discovered left breast...
Questions: 1. My last follow up appointment, my gyn/onc told me I can go back to regula...
a month ago i went to the emergency room with severe abdominal pains. after a few ultrasoun...
by kristaparis1, 21 hours ago Hello I have granulosa cell cancer. In December of 2007...
I am 41 years old and had a lump (1,5 cm) in my right breast six months ago. I did the US, ...