
burning in legs

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on burning in legs (1019783)
My legs have this burning sensation . It usually on the inner thigh,around the knee area, a...
What is the cause of my burning legs after falling asleep? This wakes me up. After standin...
Upper left thigh to almost the knee has gone numb but is sensitive to touch. After walking...
For months now my legs have beenburning....from top to much ican't even sleep, ...
Hi, I am writing a problem that my mother has been suffering for nearly 2 yrs now. But ...
my husband has a burning senatition in his leg that is from his lower back to his soles of ...
Can anyone tell me why I have pain in my legs? That's a pretty commonplace thing to ask, b...
I think i am having my first outbreak i cannot see any sores but my legs have felt like the...
I'm posting again. Does anyone get feathery/goose bump like sensations on their (lateral) c...
Not a question but maybe some help though at 47 i have never been diagnosed I have suffered...