
systemic infection

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on systemic infection

Please I need some help I've been struggling a yeast infection since early mar. I was on am...
Doctor, since my risky exposure, I took 2g or azythromycin and a doe of 1g azythromycin for...
Can taking Aleese and Miconazole (vaginal insertion for yeast infection) effect the effecti...
Does herpes cause heart, lung, gi disease, or autoimmune problems?
I have had a yeast infection every month for the past 26 years !!!! Please help me !!!! I h...
What test is done to check for systemic candidiasis? Would a person get a blood test to che...
Hello everyone I'm back :( didn't wanna but I need help and advice. Not sure if this is the...
How does one get to the RIGHT doctor for an undiagnosed systemic fungal infection? I have a...
When I was 19 years old, I had my first outbreak of hives (about 70% of my body) while reco...
What are the symptoms of a systemic candida infection?