
elevated level

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on elevated level (93081)
I recently had some blood work for life insurance. I received the results and noticed I h...
I recently had some blood work for life insurance. I received the results and noticed I had...
Hi, my husband has had highly elevated GGT levels of over 200 for years. they tested ag...
I don't remember if the nurse said AST and ALP. I do know that she said normal levels are u...
I am suffering from abdomen pain in the left and upper left side. I had my blood test. Ever...
My morning cortisol is 24.2. Normal limit up to 22. I have horrible fatigue would this litt...
There is much discussion of low B12 levels, but less discussion of high b12 levels. Mine se...
Hi everyone, I just had a FSH level test and the result was 21.1 which is higher than my dr...
My blood test result: TOTAL BILIRUBIN: 2.03 mg/dL BILIRUBIN,DIRECT: 0.29 mg/dL TOTAL...
Hi. I am 38 years old and have been experience pain in the lower left quadrant of my abdom...