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Posts on amylase (19)
My 9 year old black lab had blood work today because of a vomiting episode after Adequan. ...
Hello there; I am currently ending a medication run of Flagyl 500mg for 7 days. Approximate...
Three years ago I came down with severe abd pain, mid section and into my back when very se...
is there anyway to make your amylase and lipase go up without having pancreatitis? can you...
I am a 20 y/o otherwise healthy female. I have been experiencing diarrhea almost every othe...
I have had upper abdominal pain for years and recently had some blood work checking on my p...
Anyone out there who help me determine what I might be dealing with? I will describe chr...
My sexual partner of 7 yrs tested positive for HepC once. Can it be transmittal.
Is the Mitochondrial Antibody test along a reason to diagnose a liver function problem? We...
Just been to the Doc and blood test shows abnormal platelet level and unusual readings from...