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bhr hip suregry

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on bhr hip suregry

hip - Arthritis Community
- Jun 13, 2010
Hello, I'm looking for advice on my hip pain. I'm 49 and in 2007 I fractured my femoral hea...
My hip is killing me! I don't know what it is but every month it seems around this time it ... are you everybody? really worried about my mother that i cant sleep properly...
Hello MedHelp Forum peoples, I am fifteen years old, normal BMI, pretty much normal everyt...
Hi everyone, I'm new here and wanted to give an introduction and I hope you can swing by so...
Mom (79) Type 2 diabetic, with lymphedema and risk of thrombosis, on a blood thinner, was t...
Here goes...hopefully this forum provides me some support or at least ONE person that may b...
Hello, Long story short, I have been struggling with severe chronic pain in my left hip ...
Hey- Anyone experiencing hip pain at all? My left hip hurts so bad all of a sudden. When I ...
I am an athlete and have been taking it easy for months due to my hip bursitis. I am eager ...