will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on anogenital

This wart will just not go away. I guess I over-applied the Condylox this week (the doctor ...
I'm really stressing over what these are. I noticed them about 2 months ago, so I went to ...
I have a red scaly rash on my nipples which itches & hurts, could it be pagets? What causes...
hi I have a bad problem with this itching scrotum, I have been on medication for 12 months ...
True or false. In primary herpes infection, the blister or sore wiill be at the same locati...
Hello,I had sex with a one night stand unprotected over 4 weeks ago. All of a sudden I deve...
i recently just got informed that i have herpes but i only have them on my lower back on to...
saftey - Herpes Community
- Mar 15, 2010
If the out break is on my shaft and I wear a condom does it eliminate the risk of transmiss...
hi i have herpes but i only get it on my buttocks can i pass it on to my partner if he does...
Hello, My mom has undertaken preventive medical tests for some gynaecological infections...
Hello, I am a 16 year old boy who has had chronic anogenital Pruritus for around 2 years. ...
Hi i have came accross a new condom to further prevent infections of STDs. I have herpes my...
Hi Grace, Just wanted to get some more information on asymptomatic shedding of hsv-1. F...