will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on yeast

Ive been itching on my vagina and anus for a month. Went and got meds from the doctor (aug...
These past 5 months I've been living a hell. In November I had protected sexual encounter ...
I have currently been dating a guy for a bit more than a year and we are very serious. Both...
Hi, I have been experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge for about 5 months now. The first ...
Sorry to post twice, I forgot to add tags to my first post, and I didn't know if that was a...
I had my Gaul bladder taken out about a month and a half ago. They had me on antibiotics. W...
Ok here is the story, im a 42 yo old gay male that is in a long-term relationship (non-sexu...
So, this all started with a yeast infection. I had some pretty typical symptoms, went t...
Okay so I am literally FREAKKKKING out. Initially I went to the doctors because I had a min...
I recently, about 14 days ago performed cunninglus on a female sex worker. I then about ...