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Posts on titrate (593)
Good day and THANK YOU for taking the time to read my post. I am currently taking seven ...
Tell me if you've heard this one before! I have prescriptions for Baclofen, Zanaflex and...
Hello. I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis approximately 7 years ago. Shortly after...
Due to some anxiety due to some trauma, my doctor told me to resume Klonopin for a short ...
I have been on fentanyl for 3 years d/t bone pain, last year I had a nerve ablation on my l...
My opthamologist gave me a cyclopegic refraction and determined that I have latent hyperopi...
Can i ask how long it takes for baclofen to start working ? or is it from the first dose is...
Please forgive me for posting again so soon. This anxiety feels urgent. It feels like som...
is this addicting like hydococone? is it ok to take on daily basis in conjunction with zol...
I'm going from 600 mg 1x day of gabapentin to 600 mg 3x day. I think that I can't just jump...
Journals about titrate(1)
768044 tn?1294223436

by marileew, Mar 15, 2009
Tomorrow is my last day on the 25mg... going down to 12.5mg is going to be... "i...