
pollen tracker

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on pollen tracker (6405)
wonder if its possible for these pollens to reach the lungs since they are airborne. Can it...
i have been struggling with allergies for about ten years. its gotten alot worse over the l...
Does anyone have any information or thoughts on Bee Pollen? I am taking it to try to give m...
I have been off my meds for 5 weeks. Feeling much better, but I have started having really...
Has your asthma this Spring (2011) been affected by seasonal allergies?
Anybody out there get phenonmena called phosphenes in their eyes when the pollen count is r...
I have been suffering from Pollen Allergy from almost 6 years. This started when I started ...
I know from a test done a while back that I'm allergic to wheat pollen, does this mean that...
My allergies have been bothering me earlier than usual this year. Weather can impact this ...
my tongue is very senceitive to certin foods and is always blochy. is there something i can...
Journals about pollen tracker(2)
768044 tn?1294223436
Alder 25grains/m3 Moderate Birch 155grains/m3 High Maple 3grains/m3 L...
768044 tn?1294223436
Alder 200grains/m3 High Elm 6grains/m3 Low Misc. Fungi Imperfecti Moderate...