
Liver Transplantations

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Liver Transplantations

Is stage 2 liver damage revisable if the virus is cleared. I tried posting this under med...
a 71 yrs old male patient DM; long standing insulin, stable ischemic heart disease, with a ...
My husband was taken to the local hospital as an emergency when he passed blood in his stoo...
How do you guys deal with this? I go hypoglycemic so easy...
A popular diet supplement has caused an outbreak of severe liver disease, sickening nearly...
just recently, my husband had a hep b screening and i found out that he is positive. he is ...
I have been battling constant nasal congestion, tiredness and getting sinus infections regu...
Hello everyone, i will cut to the point immediately, so i wont give you any headaches. ...
This topic has come up from time to time, yet still the confusion exists. As an importa... CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 25, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Vertex Phar...