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Schizoaaffective Disorder

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Schizoaaffective Disorder

I'm on 5mg olanzapine and 20mg fluoxetine need to know the best dose before my review
I found my SGPT level is 27.1 but laboratary say 0-27 is normal, my cholestrol level is als...
My girlfriend gets up several times a night eats something and goes right back to bed. Ever...
My wife (25 years) having thyroid disorder , her first baby(2.5 months old) was miscarriage...
Are there any new treatments for Conversion Disorder? i have suffered with it since childho...
My bf is bipolar, thankfully since we found out im pregnant he has been good about taking h...
I have Thyroid Disorder, Its been detected about a year a go. My Thyroid TSH level was 14.5...
Okay so you know the first trimester you loose appetite? Well I'm 14 weeks now and I still...
Im on my 3rd trimester of my pregnancy. Anyone of you experiencing sleep disorder?
Hi im new to this community,I want to know if anyone can help me how long my withdrawal sym...