
post appendectomy

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on post appendectomy

I had an emergency appendectomy on October 26th, 2011. Bowel movements and healing where a...
Hi. I'm a 21 y/o female, & I had a ruptured appendix in November. I had a laparoscopic ap...
Hi, I am a 17 year old male who had an appendectomy just under a week ago and am currently...
Hi, I am 33 yrs old with no prior history of stomach problems. Last month I h...
I'm having extreme pains in my abdomen. Details: I recently had emergency surgery on ...
I had my appendix rupture and abcess, I had a lapro-appendectomy done 2 weeks ago. I have ...
Hello everyone, A bit about my back pain history. I have been diagnosed with chronic ba...
I had excellent health before my appendectomy and since then, I can barely take care of mys...
After a scheduled C-section in May, I was given three injections of a pin medication (after...
After persistant pain in my lower abdomen, I had a laparoscopic appendectomy 6 weeks ago (3...
My 4 year old woke up Tuesday morning vomiting with a fever. Throughout the day she continu...