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More of my chickens
More of my chickens
Comments (5)
354706 tn?1279470795
PinkTissue, Sep 28, 2008
Lucky chickens. Watched a documentary on hens and eggs....they are copped up in cages their entire life.
329994 tn?1301663248
lvfrogs, Apr 08, 2009
I used to have chickens too. I loved them.  Jerry is afraid of them, although I hope he never hears me tell anyone that. He doesn't like anything with feathers. When we took the granddaughter to the petting zoo, it was me who picked up the chickens, ducks, etc.
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Apr 08, 2009
I was always afraid of birds until we had the chickens.  Now I love them!  We are trying to get permission from our town to let us put up a coop with a few hens in the back yard.
329994 tn?1301663248
lvfrogs, Apr 08, 2009
how nice that would be. I have an acre and we are zoned agricultural, so it wasn't a problem. The problem was they wouldn't go in their coop at night, and would fly up into the trees to roost. Eventually, predators got them all :(
I hope you get permission!!!
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Apr 08, 2009
Oh no!  When we had our hobby farm we had a chicken door into their coop in the barn and they were very good at going in at night and then we would shut the door.  Now that we are in a small town and just have a quarter acre we would build a coop but put chicken wire covering an outside walk area.  I don't want them flying into other people's yards!  I still feel weird buying eggs at the grocery store!