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I'm confused about everything I've been hearing about tramadol (Ultram).  I understand that it should be used with caution (or not used at all) amongst abuse-prone individuals, but the other info I've seen seems contradictive.  I've seen some treatment centers advertise that they use tramadol to help with opiate withdrawal, yet I've also read that taking tramadol during opiate withdrawal can INCREASE withdrawal symptoms.  Can someone set me straight on this?  Thanks in advance.
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9734245 tn?1407160118
Hi.  I just read ur post and I am in the same boat.  My taper plan was supposed to be a lot slower though but it's still extremely hard.  A month ago I jumped from 14 per day to 8.  I work out and stuff and I kept at it through my withdrawals and after about 7 days I was physical adjusted to my new routine of 4 in the am and 4 in the pm.  But NOW it's all catching up to me emotionally and mentally.  I feel horrible.  I am a little over a month in at 8 per day and now last week I suddenly have just started to feel so miserable emotionally.  I feel so blah...like I just have no interest in anything. Everything I do seems like a chore, even walking to the kitchen for a drink of water.  I have lost interest in everything.  I even stopped working out.  I know it's because of the sudden drop in meds due to the ssri component of this drug, but knowing that doesn't help me feel better.  I want to make another drop in my doseage because now I have heard that I'll feel like this until I'm completely off them all together...but that will take months.  I try to tell myself that its not reality, how bad I feel, but just an affect of dropping the meds...but that doesn't help because I still just feel so blah.  I mean I don't even care if I shower.  I can take life or leave it right now and it's a crappy feeling.  i'm not suicidal or anything but like I said I feel like with life I can just take it or leave it.  I just don't feel like I care about anything.  Sorry that I have no advice...just wanted you to know I'm in the same boat as you are.  You're definitely not alone.
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I have been on tramadol for over 7 years.  I started it because of cervical issues from several major car accidents.  The accidents stopped when I moved out of California.  But the pain was interfering with work and family.  My new husband had been on tramadol for about a year because of shoulder surgery and had me make an appt with his doc who told me it was a non-narcotic pain reliever that he didn't have any problem prescribing for the rest of my life.  I started realizing after about a year that I was feeling pains never felt before when I was due for another dose.  I started trying to wean myself but because of psych issues (depression, anxiety, crying spells, inability to sleep) would return to the drug.  I am now in my second week of just 50 mg twice per day and I'm about ready to jump out of my skin.  I've even had suicidal thoughts though I'm sure I wouldn't  ... But I do want to feel human again.  I'm not sure how much more I can take.  Maybe I need more professional help.  But I have no health insurance.  I really wish I'd never started.  Any reassurance that I'm almost through it would be much appreciated.
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Thank you!!

8 nights with little sleep. I just wanna sleep! lol
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This is the start...you can paste this into your bowser to get to EmilyPost journal!!
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I'll send you a thread that has a link to her profile page.  Scroll down and look at the left side of her profile and you will see her recent journals.  Click "see all" to view older ones.  Good luck and let me know if is helps...the really old ones helped me through all kins of crazy hours!!!
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Yup, I read some of your posts and remember you referring people to the emily post journal. I can't seem to find it.

Can you tell me how to get to it?

Thanks much!
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In my own opinion, and I have a lot of experience with every kind of opiate at high doses over years....run, don't walk away from Tramadol.  The worst in the world.  The synthetic  properties bind to almost every receptor in your brain and body including fat cells which are the slowest to turn over...so stays in your body longer than most others.  For anyone going through WD suggest you read EmilyPost journal on here going back to 2007.  She was a pioneer of tramadisaster withdrawl.  Gave me much needed info on what to expect and how to cope.
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Hi, I came across this site searching for info on detoxing with Tramadol.

I was addicted to norco. I decided enough, never again, I'm done. Went to my medical provider who has a chemical addiction program and got on an 8 day regimen of Tramadol to detox. I have 2 days left at 3 per day. I quit them at 6 days cos I want all opoids out of my body. lol. Guess I'm impatient to get this show on the road.

I've not taken a Tramadol for 19 hours and feel basically fine except for a little weak and tired. Got bad diarrhea yesterday and still have it so I think that's making me feel weak too.

I've seen many say Tramadol is no good to detox but it's been a miracle drug for me. Just an occasional nervousness in my stomach but that's it for physical w/d symptoms. Take Clomodine now and then, mostly at night hopefully to help me sleep. I haven't had much sleep in 4 nights. But I am looking to the future and a life without addiction! I am excited I finally did this.

In my research on Tramadol, I've read nothing about it being an anti-depressant.

Also, I've read comments that the next few days without the Tramadol I could feel worse before I feel better. Remember, I only took the Tramadol for 6 days. I'm hoping to start feeling more lively in another couple of weeks.
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Hi there!  You've posted to a really old thread.  You might want to post a new question so others will be along to comment.  I know that trams are another opoid and when you run out of those you will most likely go into withdrawals.  Don't trade off one pill for another if you can help it.  I speak from experience.  I've taken tramadol to ease Vicodin w/d and it does but ultimately in the end when you give it all up, plan to experience some symptoms.  Just try to work through it and know that it will get better in a few days.  Others will be along to lend their support....post often.  Good luck!
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I have been on viky "vicodine" for about 3 years now, it got bad last yr. Real bad, i ran out a few times and wanted to die. However, i just ran out and took my last pills 2 days ago, thankfully my friend gave me 15 Tramadol and i have decided to quit Viky. I took my first couple of tram last night, no wd so far, took two more today and still good . So far so good, hoping and praying i can get through this painfully! I know by now if i hadn't had any vikes for two day i would be in a fetal position. So after im done with the tram hopefully i will have winged myself from vikes. Wish me luck, best to u all.
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Cannot begin to describe how much ur post has helped me this am!!! This is day 1 detox for me from tabs!!! I have over a hundred trams the dr gives me, but from readin on here im not sure wth to do!!!
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I have Bipolar and I'm on meds for for stability and have some very bad lows.  I have been abusing DHC (which is a much stronger drug, unscripted) with Tramadol up to 10 50mg in a day.  I was in deep with these 2 drugs, both opiates.  I would have 2/3 good (good! I really mean functional) days a week while I abused Tramadol and the other day I would take a maintenance dose to stave off the withdrawals.  Half the problem with this drug is that it includes chemicals which act on the same brain receptors as an anti-depressant.  

I started a very small dose of Paroxetine (12.5mg) a month before I'm now at 50mg or even no opiates in a day.  All I can tell you is that it is like a curtain is lifted from your mind, instead of riding the tide and carrying on in a stupor, you start to feel again, which in itself can be a little painful but do you remember how you felt when your favourite song came on when you were out or driving along, no, you probably don't, it's difficult in the grip of Tramadol addiction.  I just wanted to share this, I feel as a Bipolar person with very bad depression this may lift your hopes, finger x'ed.  This drug will ultimately make your depression much worse than it was before..

Keep yourself busy even if gardening or cleaning if you're not working, exercise helps a lot too and I dare say an anti-depressant may help too.  It is said that you shouldn't use certain SSRI's with this drug, I checked with my pharmacist and Doc, you should do the same..

signed.. 2 & a1/2 years of abuse, god knows what it's done to my body.

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I was put on tramadol about 6 months ago & i can only take 3 a day before it knocks me out for 24-30 hrs. I have noticed lately that i seem to need the tramadol more than before and im worried that maybe im starting to become addicted. It's bad enough i have a little container attached to my keys that holds some of the pills so i always have them with me. Ive been popping a pill every 4 hrs & then drinking coffee to focus at work. Any ideas?
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I am just today not taking any percocet but have tramodol from when I had surgery a few weeks ago...iv been taking percocet for quiet a few years...do you think it's safe that I take tramodol for the withdrawl symptms?
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Sorry fo your Pain,I have RSD a nerve disorder a lot of pain!My son found this Dr.Demonte in Rhode Island.I went in 11 Pain and on the third day treatment I was in no pain!I meet a Lady that had your same condition and she gave up HOPE on this Problem.She found thi Dr. and he had Help her!She said he gave her Life Back!
  This Dr. puts you on amachine for45 mins. a Day,this Machine is a MIRCLE MACHINE!You can find him on seach for CPR Teatment,Rhode Island!Tell them Bonnie Harvey told you about them!He can HELP,you'll FEEL so much Better!I Felt Better than I had in over 12 yrs.Good Luck!
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Thanks for that information mrmichael67 - I am a very worried mother, my son broke his bacjk in 2008 and has been prescribed Tramadol. He has a fit last week, was sent to hospital via a 999 call - He did not have full ingestigation of CT head scan to illiminate Epilespy. The A & E doctor assumed that he had accidently overdosed on Tramadol. However I am scared and so is my son. He is afraid of Hospitals and I am affraid that if he does not have investigations he could quite well fit again.  
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2119804 tn?1334861046
TRAMADOL/ULTRAM is more evil and worse than the regular opiates. It has an anti-depressant component similar to Effexor and long term abuse at 20 50mg pills a day is common among abusers. The recovery time can be MONTHS. And I do mean MONTHS of insomnia, restlessness, and terrible depression. If someone wants to taper, use your regular D/O/C and stay away from Tramadol. Seizures are not reported during Tramadol detox, as far as I know, but resumption can bring on a grand mal seizure as can high doses. I exchanged Hydrocodone for Tramadol because it was cheaper. The recovery when I realized that 18-20 pills a day wasn't enough was far worse than Hydrocodone...for me. As they say...everyone is different. I agree with the writer who says that abstinence is the best medicine!
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I have a script for 90 norco for back pain but abused and found myself buying an extra 60 to 90 at $3 a pop every month, decided last week to put an end to it and I'm having crazy withdraws. I have a untouched script for 150 tramadol and in an effort to beat this I'm going to try to taper from 6 a day to 1 a day over the next 2 weeks then trash the rest. I took 5 today so far and it's helped a bit. Hoping to refill my xanax and try the Thomas Recipe along with this. Being an addict *****. I want to be free of having to take anything and be a happy person again. I know I should swallow my pride and ask my doc for help but I'm a stubborn ******* and want to do this for myself, but it would be nice if it didn't hurt so damn bad...I'm mentally tough usually and can handle tons of pain but wd's make you an emotional mess....hoping all the pain will bring stregth...i will post if the tramadol help and good luck to all detoxing...freedom is around the corner
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For me, tramadol is an absolute life saver. My story is the same one that's been retold 1,000 times. I got my first vicodin from a co-worker when I was a teenager, and it was the best feeling I'd ever experienced. I think I was actually hooked from the very first time I took a lortab. I didn't know the difference between opiates and others pills, so I swallowed everything that I found. Muscle relaxers, valiums, xanax's, ecstasy. I found out that nothing compared to lortabs. My friend had a script, and I used to buy 10 to relax on the weekends. Not long after, I received a big raise at work, and all of my extra money started going to pain pills. Soon, just weekends wasn't good enough. I started taking them after work on weekdays. Then I started taking 1 or 2 at work. Then I started taking several at work.

I got to where my body was constantly craving opiates. Even when I was buzzed, I could feel minor withdrawal pains. Soon I was buying my friend's entire script. I was buying half of 2 other peoples' scripts. I found a doc to give me my own script. Plus, people knew if they needed extra cash, I was always buying. So I'd get a random phone call or text every so often about someone wanting to sell tabs or percs.

It was a constant chase. If I wasn't at work, I was either on tabs, or chasing them. The only reason my work didn't suffer was because I needed it to maintain my drug needs.

But to get to the point. Tramadol helped me get away from pain killers. They mask the withdrawals, but the opiate withdrawal is still there. I could feel leg cramps for the first week of switching to tramadol. But it was nowhere near the unbearable leg cramps i get cold turkey. Lucky for me, I don't tolerate trams very well. They make me dizzy and they make me want to vomit. I don't get pleasure from tramadols, so I don't have any urge to take them other than to help with withdrawals. Within a few weeks, I was able to ween down to only a couple trams a day. After quitting, I'd randomly get mild withdrawal symptons. Then I'd take one as needed. I still get my prescription every month, and unlike before, they work when I'm in pain.

My financial situation was changed. I have my own house vs roommates when I had plenty of extra money to buy pills. Now, I can't afford my previous habit, even if I wanted to and I've lost contact with my old suppliers. If nothing else, this keeps me in check. You've gotta break the hold that pills have on you and either give them up completely, or set up some sort of oversight that prevents you from getting out of hand.
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Hy what's up?

Frst things first stop taking the vlium!  Benzodiazepines are the worst drug to withdraw from.  They make opiate withdrawals seem like the sniffles.  I actually told a doctor about my addiction to pain killers and he prescribed me tramadol.  I was clean for about a month and then started taking the trammys and now Im walking a slippery slope of relapse.  To answer your question though the absolute best way to effectively stop taking opiates is to ween off your drug f choice by using lower and lower doses of said drug.  If you have friends or family that are supporting you use them to lean on.  Whatever your normal dose is or was take 3/4 of that for 5 days or so, then go to half your normal dose for a week or so, then 1/4 for 10 days until you feel comfortable not taking them.  For instance I used to take 5 30mg. perks a day.  So to get off I went to 4 for 5 days 3 for a week then then 2.5 for 10 days...so on and so forth.  Its how doc's bring you off of them and it allows your body to start producing the vital chemicals that you stop producing in an opiate driven haze.  Good luck its one of the hardest things you will ever do.  It can and is done everyday and if you screw up one day start over the next.
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Please post your question on a new thread but I did want to answer you in case you are not good with navigating around websites - Don't be misled regarding Tramadol - it is an opiate-like drug and if you take it while you are withdrawing your withdrawal will not be as bad because your body is getting an opiate like substance so all you are doing is prolonging your withdrawal.

If you are withdrawing from opiates replacing that opiates (whatever it is) with another opiate like substance is not the way to go.

I'm 43 days off hydros and it can be done, it isn't fun but you can do it.  The only way over opiate addiction is straight through it, withdrawals and all.

Please post for support per instruction of prior poster - this board is very active and we've all been where you are right now.
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Hi wasted Welcome to the forum.. you are posting on a old thread if you scroll to the top you will see back to the forum, hit that it will take you to the current board on top you will see a post a question on the left. post there You will get more support on your own thread. I wish you well. lesa
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I'm not sure if this sight is still active but do u think tramadol could help with WD from a 500 miligram a day addiction to hydro?
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I'm not sure if this sight is still active but do u think tramadol could help with WD from a 500 miligram a day addiction to hydro?
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