birds and the bee's at 6? Funny Journals
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birds and the bee's at 6? Funny

Aug 07, 2014 - 2 comments

So my 6 year old was examining herself I guess and told me her vagina was cut.  I asked for her to show me and she showed me her (how embarrassing what is it called?  her birthing hole lol) anyway I said it is not cut that is just how it is.  She asked why it was "cut"  I said that is the hole that babies come out of.  She thought about that for a while and then said mommy I'm scared.  I said about what?  About having babies.  I said there is nothing to be scared of and she said but the hole is soooo small!!! hahahaha....  Well I told her it grows just like your body grows.  No need to tell her it doesn't grow enough for a baby to come out of!