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I need help I don't know how to stay off of perscription pain killers. Percecet for example. I'm from Lorain oh. All of my friends do pills and all of there friends do pills. Heck even my friends parents deal and take pills. We aren't really a xanax kinda community any more. Any way I have withdraw led plenty of times to know what its like and its not pretty nor is it fun. Now I'm working as a security guard and I just got my own place with my girlfriend who I love so much and my stepson. Me and my girlfriend always find our selves buying pain pills even after we say we don't want them blah blah blah. I snort percecet and she like to swallow them but not more then two at a time and she is smart because she knows how to limit her self so that she won't withdrawal. Me on the other hand I will do them for like 5 days straight to two weeks and that is enough to withdrawal. I'm just sick of finding my self back in the same position again. I am only 19 years old and my girlfriend is only 18. I bought a suboxum today and I'm waiting for withdrawal to kick in so I can wait a day and then take it. It usually takes the withdrawal away but there is always something calling me back. I know how to get clean. I just need to know how to stay clean. Please please please help me!!!!!
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Well today is my first day nothing and I feel the WD a little but have no desire for pills. I'm really happy I found this site because you guys are helping out a lot. Me and my girlfriend had a long talk last night and we are done for good. I'm changing my phone number and none of my friends no were I live because I just moved there a week ago and its in another city. I'm going to delete there numbers so that I can't get ahold of them. And no more face book either. Because the only thing I need is my girlfriend and my stepson. I'm feeling very confident and releived. WD is nothing to me I just don't want to be on this crap any more.
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Hi  well you go back because this disease has no cure...you however it can be arrested and then recovery is possible....if you keep trying to do this alone you will continue on the course of active addiction it is time for something new...''nothing changes if nothing changes'' for me it wasent until I got involved with N/A that my life started to change ..for me recovery is a mirical but it can and does happen if you put the effort forth time to look up some N/A groups in your area I still go to 4 meeting a week but I use to go to my DOC every day this is how I stay clean.....................................Gnarly
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8976007 tn?1413330650
The first step is reaching out in here.  I makes me ill and mad that your uncle would give you heroin.  sounds like you are going to have to find aa or na meetings in order to find a support system of people who can be face to face with you and your girlfriend.  i have watched many documentaries online about addicts and I think it may do you some good to watch them as well.  You are heading down a road to a life you do NOT want.  That I can promise you.  You can also tell yourself that you need to be a good role model to your stepson.  If you live in a very small town, consider moving, changing your phone numbers, etc.  You need to cut all ties you have with people who use, even family.  
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"I will get a text and they will say thy have pills and I find my self going right back down that same road again. I've been doing all sorts of things since I was 11 but never did anything enough to become addicted. Then along came percent and vicodine and I have been struggling with plots ever since. I have never let it take full on control of my life."

I don't mean to be harsh but I stole the above quote to point that IMO I think these pills HAVE taken control of your life, as they did for me and many others on this forum. I faught through WDs countless times and I used to say to myself each time "see I made it through the dreadful WDs without caving so I'm not an addict -- I can quit anytime I want but I'm choosing to continue to use". It wasn't until I "TRUELY"  tried to quit that I realized what a hold these pills had on me.. I would go through WDs then a few weeks later I would pick up again because what I didn't know then but thank G-D I learned now is that as aweful, terrible and uncomfortable the physical WDs are they pale in comparison to the mental battle we face on a daily basis... This is where the true battle is faught! I read your posts and you sound ready to go through another WD and that's awesome and I commend your efforts but I also detect that you DO NOT want to go down this road again and that is the part that has you baffled.. I totally understand and have been there but you have to realize that it's going to take some sacerfice and work to get it done.. As you've  already learned -- just going through WDs is not enough unless you follow it up with the things needed to stay clean... Your young but your at a very important crossroad right now -- you can do the neccassary things to get clean and stay clean or you can continue to ride the merry-go-round of addictions, which WILL eventually take everything from you... Now, this forum can support and advise you in many, many ways so please take advantage of all of the great people here and their experience.. In my humble opinion I would suggest, like the others above to seek out NA/AA (there are meetings offered at all sorts of times and places that will fit into your work schedule). Also, you will need to cut ALL sources (that includes family and friends who supply you) it's hard but you need to think about yourself and what's best for you -- remember this is YOUR LIFE we are speaking about here.. Finally, I would find the support of some clean family members or friends that you can tell your issue to and ask for their support.. If you do not have the latter then that's another reason to attend a NA/AA meeting as you will find a ton of support and friends their to help you through... Finally, I wish you all the best! It really sounds like you want to change your life and i want to promise you that once you get the control back, you will discover that living a life without being a slave to these pills will be more wonderful and fulfilling than you could ever imagine.. It just takes some time and some work but it's WORTH IT, it really, really is...
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Well you have the support here.  Trust me the longer you use and the older you get, the worse the withdrawals are.  You will have weeks where you can't function properly because after the worst part of withdrawals are over, your energy is totally zapped and then you can't sleep for over a month.
The money spending will just get worse as well.  You will need more and more to get that buzz.  You won't pay your bills and you will constantly have bill collectors after you.
Is that the life you want?  I don't think so.
Get out now while you still can.  Do everything in your power to quit and don't make excuses as to why you can't because your life is on the line here.  
Find a way and do it.
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I have been doing very good with keeping distance from my friends. But they usually make me feel real bad like I owe them something and then they call my phone and if I don't answer they keep calling or I will get a text and they will say thy have pills and I find my self going right back down that same road again. I've been doing all sorts of things since I was 11 but never did anything enough to become addicted. Then along came percent and vicodine and I have been struggling with plots ever since. I have never let it take full on control of my life. Actualy last summer I even withdraw led off of heroin my uncle was giving me. But I was strong enough to walk away and never touch it again. I don't even think about it any more. I honestly don't really think about pills unless I am about to qithdrawl . But most the time I beat the withdrawal and a few weeks to months later I'm right back in the same position. This weekend me and my girlfriend spent $160 dollars on pain pills alone. And I'm very scared and honestly hate them. It just seems like there is nothing I can do and I can't attend meetings because I am working a good deal of my time. + not to mention I got pulled over yesterday for running  red light by a state trooper and had percs in my middle counsel. But I just got a ticket And they let me go. I don't think I will be that lucky next time and I will loose everything if i go to jail for pills. And I know in my heart that I'm strong enough to overcome anything I just need the support and thank you for replying you realy don't know howuch it means to me.
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Oh Hun, you are SO young..You and your girlfriend..Please try to get to some of those meetings AA/NA..This is a Disease and it can take everything from you and even your Life. You have to change your whole world around you. No more playing with the same friends or going to those places..These are called triggers.This Journey into Recovery can not be walked alone..YOU need Support! Get on the Net and do all the research you can about this "Disease of Addiction"..This will not cure you, but it will give you some insite on what goes on in the Brain. There is so much that goes on in the Brain that can cause us to keep using if we feed it and also the Damage you can do to all the Organs/Brain. You are SO young..Please get out..I am 58 and have used off & on for most of my Life..Your Brain is still young and healthy. YOU have your whole future a head of YOU. Do not let this Disease take your precious Life away from you..You and your girl friend should hit those meeting together..YOU will have such a hard time if you are around any body that uses or even know they are around..I am telling you the God Honest Truth..Walk away before it is to late and the damage is done. WE really care on here and will Support you as well, but you do need face to face also. I wish you the Best that Life can give.
Also do not mess with them Subs unless it is under a DRs supervision..They are not used for just a day or two for w/ds..They serve their own purpose for many..Maybe go and talk to a DR and get there Support about your issue too.
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