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Am I having withdrawals?

I have been taking Vicodin ES and Percocet respectivley, for about 2 and 1/2 months now for neck pain, and then surgery on my neck as a result of a disk, and fusion. I quit taking the painkillers 3 days ago and to my surprise, I am very weak and dizzy. Last night I soaked my pillow with sweat, in a cold bedroom. I feel like crud. Is it possible I am having withdrawals from them? I would think you would have to be on them longer than I was. If it is withdrawals how long can I expect these symptoms to last. Is there a way to lessen the discomfort?
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It sounds like you are having withdrawals.  If that is your only use of opiates (2 1/2 mo.), then I would say it won't be long now.  If you can go without them, stick it out and you should be much better in the next two days or so.  Take hot baths or whirlpool.  Smoke a doob (if that is your thing) and keep yourself hydrated (drink fluids).  Maybe a xanax to sleep for a few days or to relieve the nasty's a little.  This will all get better and it will be over soon.  Oh yeah, take a multi vitamin daily.  And, if you have to turn into a prune while taking the hot baths, then so be it.  They help tremendously.
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I agree.  Hot baths do wonders for achiness and fatigue, even if for a an hour's break.  It's a welcome break in the 'in'action.
Also, if you find that you are clinching your hands or your legs jerk or get tight, eat a banana.  It sounds dumb, but it works.
The multi-vitamin will really help you too. You won't "feel" it helping you suddenly, but over a short period of time, it will help you build back up to your pre-vike strength.
Hang in there.  It does get better.  Much better.
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Good Morning my Guardian Angel--My husband and I were "down on the bayou" this weekend--He had booked a fishing trip several months ago--Reeling in a 32 pound redfish did not help my neck and arm--I should have known better--Yesterday I would have mud wrestled a nun for one hydrocodone--But--thankfully things are much better today--I hope you are well Peazy--22 days and standing strong--I'll try and post again before I leave for one of our other offices--peace/Prayers N.O. Lady AKA Mystere


Gracie97--How are you doing?--Standing strong I hope!
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Thanks to all for the support, and advice. I am hanging in there. No sweats last night. I have a few choice words for my 2 docs, since niether one of them bothered to warn me of the problems I am having now. I would have opted for less pain relief with a pop of a pill. I am just frustrated that med profs aren't more forthcoming with the possiblities of physical withdrawals off of these meds. I am glad to know it won't last to much longer. Hang in there all. God Bless. Take Care.
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Yep doctors have no clue what so ever about pain meds and how to get off of pain meds. They know that you can get hooked on them but they do not have a clue how to unhook you from the grasp of opiates.
I have been on them for about 5 years now. I have taken every type imaginable. I have done every thing from TENS, Bio-feedback, physical therapy, everything! I am finally on roxicodone 30mg's. About 15 a day on average! Thats a lot of codone! They help the pain but I do not even get a buzz from them anymore. I take enough to zone out an elephant but I don't feel them, funny huh? Not really it is actually sad! I have taken as much as 21 a day, thats 630 mg's of oxycodone.
My worst fear is someday I am going to have to quit, I dread that month! Thats about the amount of time what I feel it will take to get over the W/D'S! God have mercy on my soul when that comes cause I feel I won't make it through it! They have been both a blessing and a curse at the same time. I suffer from terrible pain every day but I also suffer from opiate with drawal when I do not take them at the regular times too! It gets old having to get your pills make sure you have enough if you are going away for extended times make sure the doctor knows when you will be gone and watch your meds from people trying to steal them all this gets old! I had have friends who I caught stealing my meds and then I run short. The doctors and pharmacists look at you strangely when you refill. Or tell them they were stolen.
I am just sick of everything anymore. Life is starting to really suck! I sometimes awake and wonder, do I really want to go on anymore? Really! It gets that bad for me! I have put the gun to my head many times but I just have not went through it yet! Someday soon maybe!
Sorry to vent just rambling on.
Not a good way to start off as my first post, huh?

Liquor good and she'll return the favor!
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Hi Liquor. I am sorry to hear about your situation getting you down so much. I wish you all of the best when you can finally get off the pain meds. I know the WD's are going to be massive compared to me, but I found it getting so old being under the influence of the meds. I missed my old self, and energy. Just remember the person you used to be when you were med free, and hold on to that while you get them out of your system some day. Keep that in the front of your mind while kicking it, the clear head, the energy, the focus, motivation, any or all of these that applied to who you were before the painkillers took over. I am looking forward to having energy to clean house, and go out of the house, just feeling better again. You know it will happen but it has to be scary facing the possible month of cleaning out your system, fight for your old self back, you are worth it. God Bless and be with you through it. But please don't give in to them and give up. You can hold on and wait for you to get back. Good Luck.
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Man, I'm sorry to hear of what you're going through.

The first thing that enters my mind is for you to find a good, qualified pain management specialist who can perhaps place you on a stronger, longer acting opiate with not as many side effects and less frequent dosing.  That would eliminate the amount of meds you have to take and the pain you're having to endure.  NO ONE should have to go through pain -- you should be able to have your pain managed and be able to take the meds without hitting a wall in regard to your dosing.

It sounds as if you're dealing with deep depression as well, and who wouldn't be.  You may also want to find an anti-depressant that works for you if you aren't on one already.  I don't have a lot of experience with anti-deps, but I hear from some that they are a miracle.

I think with the correct med therapy, including a pain management doctor who can work with you to attain the proper dosing and other meds (and non-medicine therapies) to help you, you can find the relief without having to always increase your dosages and find emotional relief as well.

Please don't entertain the 'this life is not worth it' thought.  I know, I've been there and have been lately and have to almost talk myself out of it on a weekly basis.  I know it's the meds talking, I just need to get myself out of this pit.  I can see you getting the help you need, but please seek it.

Take care, you'll be in my thoughts.
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Hon... it is wonderful that you found this site and u r here now.  You know in your heart wut is ahead, wut suffering you have depending on the choices you make and you know in your gut wut u need to do i believe. That is why you came here.  Plz vent anytime!  
I came here last Sept desparate for help.  The people i met saved my life.  I had severe pain every day and now it is about 2 -3 x's per week and not near so bad.  I suffered and was on narcotics for 10 years. Thought my pain was untreatable after seeing so many Dr's in the last 15 years. Thought i would be on this strong narcotic. 10 x's stronger than morphine alll my life!
I have been clean now for 72 days.  I found a great DR. in inpatient rehab who has given me nonaddictive pain meds..he is an Addictionologist who understands pain and the disease of addiciton and how they interact.  Yes now i take 18 pills a day, nonaddictive, but my pain is usually zero!
There was a man in Treatment with me who walked with cane and was suffering so bad with severe pain, he could not work.  His body and stature looked s o uncomfortable and in pain all his waking hours.  In 10 days he no longer used cane and was smiling and looked so comfy sitting or standing or walkin!  A total 180 degree change.  Before he cried he was in such pain.  Then he laughed and hugged and he was a new man!
WEll i will pray for you and plz e-mail me if you like.. or anyone on here e-mail me.  ***@****
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Suz is right. and Alexis in texas. Those two are wonderful with suggestions. Trust me. They have both helped me out alot. I felt so bad after reading your email. Its a really hard road man and we are all here for you to vent to! Please remember that. I am 32 years old and have had so many narcotics im suprised im still alive. And the depression (im on paxil as well cr). If you ever need to talk please lean on me. I personally have been through alot with surgeries, taking more med than Im supposed to etc etc.
Your post brought tears to my eyes and I just wanted to reach out to you and say that your not alone.
Please take care and let us know how you are!
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I am here and,how many days now????????? I decided, based on the RR book to "quit" counting the days. I made a decision almost 3 weeks ago to quit, and I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forever-the AV is not going to become the beast-I AM THE BEAST! I control me and make my own decisions!  I am NOT going to let a "high" dictate my behavior anymore. ( I WAS NOT a chronic pain patient, just a junkie)
Anne, I am sure you know exactly what I mean when I refer to the BEAST. I am having trouble though finding the " Million Pieces Book", I am afraid to order it online after reading RR. Keep up the GREAT work, I love hearing from you-I (finally remembered something) that you were out of town this weekend-I think things are starting to come back now....Hope you had a great time-sounds like u did!
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Hey liquor...when you say you've put the gun to your head many times...do you mean that literally or figuratively???  Either way, I know that's not the route you want to take.  Just posting on this forum tells me you're not ready to take that directive yet.  You've just got to find your way, whatever that may be.  Many people here swear by the AA/NA twelve steps, by admitting yourself powerless and answering to a higher power.  Some do not. I'm reading a book now by James Frey - "A Million Little Pieces", that takes the opposite approach, that you and you alone make up your mind to be sober and follow it through. As for my own opinion, I feel whatever works, you know?  Some people are comforted by "handing" their addictions to a higher power; some do better by taking the power in their own hands.  I'm kinda of the mind that "borrowing" from both theories work (but that's just for myself).  Like I said, it's what works best for YOU!!!  Read, read, read all the posts you can in this forum.  There's SO many great people who posts here; if nothing else, you'll realize you're not alone in your struggles.  I wish you the best, and keep posting....Lisabet
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GOD .. .. i love all of you who post here . .. i ate my last vicodin on April 8th . . .. i come to this forum daily. ..the wisdom, humor and intelligence has been my life line .. .i am so happy for those who are past the intially stages of detox . .i am compassionate for those here who suffer chronic pain .(i was a junkie used for no other reason than i didn't want to deal with my problems).. working to have quality of life .. i pray daily for those working up the nerve to detox . . . i am humbled by my experience and my body is still not right . i wake up in the morning not wanting or needing to function . . how wonderful .. 2 months ago i could not imagine making it through the day with out a fix . .still having a lot of anxiety . . ..taking it one day at a time . . reading the posts .. using part of the thomas recipe. . .keeps me strong in wanting to stay clean . .. i am amazed at how many of us are out here . .. i really thought i was alone .. .  ya'll bless me tremendously . .. THANK YOU.......peace/love/understanding. . .
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I'm soooo glad you got Jack Trimpey's book--I know he says not to count the days but for some reason it makes me think about how far I have come--Every morning I leave my husband a little "love" note on top of his paper and I sign it "your pill-free wife"---Somehow I think he needs the reassurance that it brings--I am so glad you are doing well--You have been one of my many Guardian Angels!  Much Love--Take Care Hon--Peace Prayers N.O. Lady AKA Mystere

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Good Evening my Guardian Angel--I have to tell you for some reason today was especially tough and the "Beast" was in my face damn near all day.  I came very close to calling my friend the pharmacist when something happened and the only way to describe it was divine intervention. I never thought in a million years that my husband could be sooooo supportive of my recovery--I came home and laying next to the computer was a small pewter angel with the word Strength etched at the top--At the bottom it read "An angel to bring you strength to meet any challenge"--All my thoughts of obtaining those demon pills vanished.  My resolve to beat this became stronger--So with my husband's support and all of my buddy's on this board I'm back in the game!  Tomorrow will begin day 24 out of hydro-hell and I'm sooo glad I never made that call to the pharmacist!  I'll say it again I never could have gotten this far without you and others who have responded to my desperate cries for help--Thanks again Peazy just for being here--Love Ya Hon!--Mystere/AKA N.O. Lady

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Hi everyone it's me passenby had to sign in again on hubby's lap top.today is day 3 on my CT vacation if you wnat to call this vacation. I just want you all to know I took each and everyone of your advise.I have now eaten so many bananas I beleive I was starting to have this strange urge to scratch through my husbands hair,and do you know how hard it is for this grandmother to get what all of you call greenage I thought my daughter was going to faint and my husband wellll I won't even go there but secretly I think he was excited.Susie I have only used the nasle spray once.I've drank two gallons of distilled water. oh and Thomas, I am indulging in the recipe.I'm one of this people that when I in pain I try to laugh to keep from crying. I know all of you said you had a hard time sleeping and I am so tired I've been taking my xanax but I don't Know how much is to much can you help me guys I'm still reading what your posting so please advise. I have a very small dose .25 I've been taking 2 three times a day. not working anymore.I do have high tolerance to meds so what you think  thanks all oh yes I'm pruned from the whirlpool here.
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Hi you two---Passenby I have never posted to you before but I LOVE your handle because right now that pretty much sums up my relationship w/ my damn husband right now:  "Passing like ships in the night.."   We won't go into that on an addiction board. It belongs on the Murder by Arsenic board.......You are doing well!!!!  You have a great sense of humor and you just ned to hang in there!!! Your post made me chuckle and that's a good sign. YOU WANT THIS.  Now DO IT!!!
       Anne, OMG!! That was close, girl!!  Your husband came through w/ flying colors on this one.....What a Doll. I feel like giving you my home # in case you ever get that urge again, but it's already Grand Central around here and that one guy who I live w/--can't think of his name right now---anyway--he would prolly not like it too well......LOL  But keep posting and RAED YOUR MATERIAL  because it sounds like you derive a great deal of motivation from your RR book.  You have come TOO FAR sweetie----Kick this **** in the ass once and for ALL!!!  Once you get some clean time it will get easier and easier. I RARELY think about drugs anymore. Divorce: yes. Drugs: no!!!!    OOOOKKAAAAAAAAY. I'm going!! Have a good day you two!!! Love, Peazy
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Congrats! on the 3 day c/t holiday.  I always wondered why they (the doctors) called it a 'drug holiday' when it surely wasn't any vacation.  I had to laugh at the image of you grooming your hubby's hair after so many bananas.  When you start running around on all fours and pounding your chest, then you'll know you're in trouble. ;)  I also took that recommendation.  Doncha hate how bananas go bad so fast?  I do.  My husband is a regular greenery smoker, so I could just go out into the garage and get me some, but for some reason, it makes me feel icky (as in paranoid and guilty).  I would definitely partake in it if it worked, but it just doesn't do it for me (my chemistry, I think) for some reason.

As for the Xanax, I would only recommend that for 1 week max.   I mostly say, 'whatever works for you', but right now I'm dealing with a benzo addiction too due to not being able to come off of those suckers after trying to quit opiates (subbing one addiction for another), and this is going to be the REAL pits having to taper from - I don't even want to think about it.  So I would say if you don't need the Xanax, don't take it, but if you REALLY do, then take the minimal amount as you're doing for only a week (I think maybe 2 weeks is the total recommended).

Anyway, I'm proud of ya.  Let us know how you're doing.

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These mood swing or terrible. one min I seem like it's going to be ok the next I'm crying. But I know why I'm crying the guilt is killing me the pain keeps rushing in(my son he went through this and I didn't understand.) He suffered this alone I would of done things so much differenly if I knew what I know today. I'm not worried about the phyical pain I can handle this it's nothing to what my heart is feeling. MY baby was hurting and he wanted so bad to quit as he always sad so I would be pround of him. He didn't realize I already was. Sorry had to let it out I don't even know you but I love you all.  THIS IS THE DAY I REMEMBER CLEARLY HOW THE VICODINS ALL BEGAN. THE NUMBNESS I CRAVE SO BAD FROM THIS AWFUL FEELING
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I just wanted to give you a BIG cyberhug <<<<<Passenby>>>>>

I cannot fathom the pain of losing your son, and just wish I knew what to say.  I can only offer my deepest sympathies to you and a cyber shoulder if you need one. :(

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Hi how is everything going with?I just wanted to let you know I'm day 6 and we are heading home today I feel a little better each day but as I suspected the depression going to be hard thing to deal with and I know you know what thats all about.Can you post a lttle something to me about how your doing? I've been thinking about you and your in my prayers.
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I so much appreciate the prayers, and you're in mine as well.  You have a lot to contend with, but coming out the other side of this will give you a new lease on life and I can tell you that you are one strong lady.  

I'm not doing good.  I'm wondering if I'll ever be free of these pills.  It's as if I have no control over it, although by reading the good doc's advice, I am human and can make rational choices, but perhaps I choose not to make them?  I have severe anxiety disorder and it's rearing it's ugly head as of late and I'm thinking about putting myself into a hospital setting, but my dh is VERY much against this, knowing a little about what some people at his work have told him about this and his best friend's wife who is going through the same thing (he hasn't told anyone about my 'problem').

I have a 13 year oldl daughter and she has been yelling, screaming and it's been awful, so I am incredibly tempted to reach for the pills (which I'm taking -- the codeine).

I have so much respect and admiration for those of you doing this.  You are a VERY strong bunch of people - I just know that I need some intense help and I can't do this on my own.  I need an addictionologist or someone who can help me.  

Thanks so much for being there.  I've been thinking a lot about you too - please take good care of yourself and keep on that positive road - you're blessed with a great hubby who seems very supportive of you in addition to being a strong woman who knows where she's going in life. :)

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Give yourself some credit girllllll!!!
You are a strong woman too. You just are in the middle of finding your way.
You know your problem. Have admitted you need help from an addictionologist or someone whom can help with your situation.
You just need to find the right help and you will be on your way too.
Sometimes you have to look at the little things in life that you are doing right to keep positive and continue on making the right choices.
Good luck, you'll make it, you just have to find your way...
Sometimes the road to is longer for some...but as long as you keep going down the right path, you are making progress.
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Hey girl!!! You sound down in the dumps and I wish I could do something for you. I hate to be trite, but maybe some family counseling (or one-on-one) for your daughter might help you immensely.  It sounds as if you could both use some coping mechanisms for high-stress times.    The teens  are just such a "drama-queen" prone age, anyway...your girl has 345 emeotions a minute and the easiest way to unload  a charge like that is a kick to the door...ANYWAY--Since you are having a tough time dealing w/ your own emotional situation, enlist some help to lighten your load a little. And quit beating yourself up.  You are dealing w/ a lot and there's no reason to minimize that.  It's all legit, Sweets!  Keep posting and know that I'm thinkin' of you,,,,Love, Peazy
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You two have given me some hope this evening, I just wanted to let you know that.  It's amazing what postive reinforcement can do for a person, isn't it?

Chezz, you're right about looking at those little things I'm doing.  I'm only bringing myself down by mentally bashing my lukewarm efforts (that's what I think of them, yes it is) of trying to quit these pills.  I think that if I were to give myself a little more credit, that I could probably do a lot more in the way of helping myself.  If I don't like myself or what I'm doing, it's going to start a cycle of where I was before and that's self-destructive.  Thanks for your words of wisdom as usual. :)

Peazy, girl you are too cool for words and are SO right about getting some counseling for my daughter and myself.  I think a family counselor is in order.  On the one hand, I get so angry with her actions, on the other, I blame myself for what she's doing.  We really are very, very close in our personalities and that can create problems sometimes, and we go back and forth from incredibly loving to arguing terribly about her choice of friends, the way she dresses and acts, etc.  I need to be proactive now and start DOING something instead of just saying I'm going to do it.  I think there are a lot of positives in my life and I need to focus on them -- I have to seek help for my addiction, and I think after that, things will start naturally falling into place.  I know I can't completely control my daughter, the way she thinks, etc., but I can control myself and can guide her in the right direction.  Self-involvement on my part is too consuming right now and I really want to find the right counselor, not just someone who is going to write a prescription.  This place is so therapeutic, thanks hon for being there, you're always so insightful and get me to thinking.

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