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Does this anxiety ever go away?? I hate waking up every morning, just shaking inside my body. I wake up every 30 min from 4am to 6:30 and I'm out of breath and have to come myself with deep breaths and tell myself to go back to sleep for a few more minutes. This is crazy, I'm day 13 today....just wanna feel normal again, this *****. I know I've come a long way from 13 days ago, but it's frustrating, i'm still in cold sweats at night for the past few days and this anxiety is killing me....
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1563022 tn?1296332599
Hey Crys833 - Know what your saying. Been 26 years in the crapper with drugs and booze, I am still wondering what "normal" is, it's only day 14 for me. I do know one thing: I'm way, way better than I was 14 days ago. Keep fighting the good fight, you know all the reasons why, I just read them. I know I'm never going to have that feeling again but am prepared for "normal". It will find you, don't worry and you will look back at these days and say Now WTF was I thinking back then? lol

Keep with the music, I spend hours everyday listening too. Crying also, which is not me in the least, but hey, what you gonna do? Go with it. Anything has to be better than being chained to a pill bottle. :-)

I was a snorter too, don't know if that means anything, but I know my nose is happy these days. ;-)

Stay tough.

27 Responses
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1543547 tn?1298433360
Hey sweets. Glad to hear today is better! Just wanted to see how ya are. Keep up the great work. Sobriety looks sexay on us  ;)
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Still doing good! I haven't been hit with any anxiety yet. I really hope it's starting to go away. I'm not one to be a nervous wreck all the time:) I am lucky  I haven't had much sleep deprivation, i used a half of a sleeping pill during the first few days and then switched to benedryl and unisom after that. I didn't want to screw up my sleep cycle with sleeping pills. The wd's this time around affected me much differently, i hope that's a good sign.....instead of feeling sketchy at night i 've been sketchy in the mornings, i literally tire myself out by 9pm i'm ready to pass out and make myself stay up until 10 at least. I hope sleeping gets better for you guys soon too! Big Hugs**
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1563022 tn?1296332599
Hey Crys833 - Won't say I told you so....but. Feels good, huh? You are well on your way. As Dav125 said above, you are going to have some downs, get into your music then. Dance with your daughter. So glad to see you posting some really postive things.

The ups are pushing the downs out the door, but they are fighting to stay. Keep kicking *** and taking names! You have so much to look forward to now, isn't a wonderful feeling?

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1283286 tn?1312911966
Glad your feeling better this morning..You hit on a very valid point with the "pink cloud" effect being the focus during the first week as a source of strength..Then the second week seems to suck all that positive energy out of you as we struggle with the lingering symptoms. It turns into a mental fight vs getting thru the physical during the first week.. I found the sleep deprevation or insomnia to be the biggest drain on me in the second week going into the third week..Lucky you with the 71/2 hrs sleep! :)..You make me envious as I am 7 days ahead of you and "might" have had one night so far that I got maybe 3 hrs uninterupted..I had good and bad days this past week..More down days than up, but I can tell change for the better is starting to happen..Try not to put any expectations on feeling better..The feel good day is out there and it will show itself when ready..In the meantime, settle in and know there will be some more bumps in the coming weeks, but "it is" getting better :)..Congratulations on 14 days..Soon it will be 21 before you know it...:)
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I'm feeling better this morning:) I didn't wake up out of breath at all last night, I wasn't in a cold sweat all night! I slept for 7.5 hours straight and woke up feeling OKAY! i'm not 100% but this feels alright. i hope it's the start of the end of all this anxiety. Day 14!!!
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Hi Katrina81:) My day did get much better, I took my 3 yr old out for most of the day, and I felt better than I have. I think some of my anxiety comes from being in my house all day by myself....maybe i'm unsure of myself, and the days of course went so much faster when i was taking pills and not thinking about my situation. I pretty much started to feel normal I blasted my music all afternoon, danced around with my daughter and it felt really good. I haven't done that with her for awhile. She asked me if i was all better today....my GOD! I almost started crying, heh. But yea I think I'm almost all better, I need to be soon. We've been clean this long, no way we're turning back girl:)
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1543547 tn?1298433360
Hey sweets just wanted to stop in and check on ya. Did your day get better? My anxiety is always at its peak in the morning. Drives me nuts but what can I do besides push thru right? That song by Eminem is like my anthem! I listen to it constantly. Its truly an inspirational song. And i just love the absolute raw emotion and just plain truth in his words. Ok enough rambling! Hope your day got better and that tomorrow cuts ya some slack. Stay strong my friend and keep up the great work. Your doing an amazing job  :) WERE NOT AFRAID TO TAKE A STAND!
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1481358 tn?1288295091
exercise and get those natural endorpins kicking. It will help ALOT. You get better alot faster too.
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1481358 tn?1288295091
Crys833   thanks. I dont have my 30 days yet. 26 to be exact. One second at a time. Youll do this. Your doing it now. Time is your friend and if you turn your back on it then it really makes it hard. I stopped thinking it was this big huge deal not to take pills. I lived a perfectly normal happy life without them. It can be done. Ill be thinking about cha and when the pills come a calling, put them on hold til tomorrow. That way you can never take them again. You can and will kick them to the curb where they belong.
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HI Crys.....the anxiety was my worst symptom  it takes a wile to get past it as addicts we want it and we want it NOW lol but this is a race one by the tortus not the hare  it will get better
go threw the health food stores and get one of the calming teas out there they help a lot of our members...also valarin root use to be the old worlds valum  you may give it a try its only 4 bucks at walmart it worth a try other then that its up to God and time to heal you you will get past this hang in there...good luck and God bless......Gnarly
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Thanks,  and i keep trying to tell myself "Give it time" This anxious feeling makes me feel like i have no time, I have to fix my life and i have to fix it right NOW! Time is my friend....I'm going to make that my mantra:) Grats on 30 days throwindatowl!
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1481358 tn?1288295091
  Yes. Im comming up on 30 days and the anxiety is so much better. Anxiety is part of life. It will get much much better. Just give it some time. Time is your friend. I woke up today with some anxiety but it didnt last long. I worry all the time about things I cant change. I tried to stop that and start working on the things I can change. Way to go on kicking this habit. You doing it and I think thats awesome. Keep it up!
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I know just what you mean, pills made me "come out of my shell" so to speak. I am a very introverted person, quiet, calm....so people tell me. i am only calm around strangers really,lol! Anyway, I'm back to being that quiet introvert again....actually i kinda like it? My mind was always my best friend, i could work myself through anything, but I shut that all off with those friggin pills, never have done that before. i regret it so badly, i want me back now, i thought my mind was stronger than the drugs...so not true. Thank God I'm clean now! Congrats to your on 2 months clean! Can't wait to be where you are:)
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Not Afraid- Eminem.....such a good song:) Check it out!
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I understand completely how you feel. I have struggled since I stopped taking pills in figuring out my REAL personality!!! I have been an opiate addict a long time and it took me over a month to even be comfortable with myself. I cried all the time, I ranted and screamed and I was SO lonely with my disease. When I got sober I did not know myself anymore, and people really noticed a difference in me, I was fake happy on the pills and once I got off and stayed off I am a LOT quieter now. I just want you to know it does get better but it does take time. I have almost 2 months now and I still struggle at times with anxiety and depression and fatique, but the more time I get the better I feel. I wondered the same thing as you in the beginning is this me now? I had to go to a church function last night and a couple pf people asked me why I was so quiet and I felt GOOD last night, they were so used to the high on pills me. Sometimes I am uncomfortable with my own self, which is why I used in the first place. Never felt good enough or talented enough. I am here to tell you if I can get clean so can you. It does get so much better there is such a peace in not hiding an addiction anymore, no more pill counting etc.  It is hard but I know you can do it stay strong and keep posting I promise you all your feelings are normal!!!! Keep posting!!!

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Oh my nose is soo happy! lol. It's like i'm getting these windows of normal, and it is driving me crazy, I want myself back! I'm so sick of crying, everything makes me cry, especially music:) Then again i was always a crier, before the drugs. It's the guilt and shame getting to me I think, all the damage i've done to myself, to my life. All the problems i was repressing are still there in my face now that i am sober, they DID NOT go away! lol. I didn't know how to deal with them before and it makes me anxious thinking of how i'm going to deal with them now! How did i ever do it before drugs? I can't friggin remember, I try to but it's like the drugs screwed up my coping skills. Thankyou swflafun, you're keeping me going with your posts:) We just gotta keep fighting right?
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I hope you guys are right. I'm starting to wonder if this is the way I really am off of pills, lol! It can't be, I think i've been fooling myself thinking "oh, i only did pills for a few months, it shouldn't be too hard to get through this..." Well, that's a total lie!!! Maybe it was cause I was snorting it, makes it worse. Excuses! This can't be me, but I kinda can't even remember. It wasn't only a few months, it was 3 years, on and off usage, never went more than a week in between, smoking weed, drinking, popping pills, then snorting hydromorph for a month straight after my aunt died and my dad almost dies from od'ing on painkillers then i switch to morphine, WTF was I thinking, after all that happened a few months ago I just went on a path of destruction. Didn't care, and now I'm trying to find a reason to do the right thing. I have kids, I'm married i'm a NURSE!, for frigsake! But i'm still so numb to this, selfish, angry, hateful, I don't know what happened to me? I know I don't want to use again.....avoid even thinking about it, but I've realized I've always needed something, just gotta find a healthy something. Thank you for everyone's advice, listening to music right now, crying and ranting in my post. It really helps. Thanks for reading my vent! lol.
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Ugh! The dreaded short of breath feeling! To me that was the worst! Mine seemed to lessen around 2 to 3 week mark. I had the sweats on and off (mostly on) at night for 40 or so days. It does go away I promise. Just be patient and keep breathing in and out slowly. That was just about all that would help me get past it. I just wanted to reassure you that those feeling DO pass and eventually just disappear altogether. Good luck, you're almost done with that!!
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Hey there. I am 24 hours out from fentanyl withdrawl. I feel you. Keep posting I am here and I know what you feel. I do too.
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Hi cry I feel your pain I had a weird night I woke up around 3am and had all kinds of weird bad thoughts in my head then this morning I just feel stressed and nervous it just feels like a never ending thing I can't wait to feel normal too I truly hope that comes for both of us soon enjoy
Your time at your friends it's nice to get out
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932659 tn?1332118704
My anxiety really peaked around two weeks but it did eventually go away.  Exercise helps.  You are doing great!  Have a great time with your friend :)
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going over to friends for coffee soon, need to get out of this house!
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Thanks everyone...I don't know I think i was having that "pink cloud" effect at the end of last week, and now I'm just down. i just wasn't expecting to feel like this still. It's pretty much just in the morning now I feel anxious, it levels off through out the day, i 've been doing house work with music and stuff. It does help, thanks for the advice. Can't wait to feel normal again:)
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